Yesterday we talked about how one of the ways you can make virtual meetings more effective is by looking into the camera when you are talking in a group session. Today we’re going to talk about does it have to be a meeting?
80% of you if not more – way more – have too many meetings and not enough time to just do. Imagine if you had your day structured such that you had a time for meetings and time for doing. And doing, by the way, is not responding to emails, It’s time to spend actually doing work.
How would that feel? I know it feels amazing to us, as hard as it was for us to get here and commit to structuring our work day.
So ask yourself this question. Do I have a slide deck that am I going to be reading off of? If the answer is yes, then that’s something you can handle asynchronously. Pick a tool, any Pokemon! You’ve got Slack, Teams Google Meet and several others. Pick a tool that allows you to collaborate asynchronously on a work product, connects to a repository you can store work product in, and has some sort of search ability for both work products and conversations. And actually use that tool!
You’re going to want to have a meeting whenever you need an interactive conversation and include a diversity of perspectives to complete a work product or move past an impediment. Sure it’s fine to jot down some notes to reference, but if you find yourself creating and reading off of a deck take it asynchronous. We love using OneNote for meetings! Form follows function and in this case you’ll find making those habit changes easier and more tactile.
But otherwise, it’s work time! It’ll take real effort and coordination to get yourself and your team there but you can do it! We’ve helped our clients get there, we’ve gone there ourselves – and as hard as it was, it was a real game changer!
You won’t be dreading yet another day of meetings. You’ll be looking forward to your work time and yes even your meeting time. You’ll find yourself working more effectively, not to mention the job satisfaction you get from actually getting things done instead of being in back-to-back meetings.
Try it. Structure your day. Ping us if we can help, but above all let us know how this works out for you.
You can do it!