We’ve all heard of falling forward when it comes to entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Recently Simon Sinek mentioned choosing different language -falling vs failing – because it matters to shifting our mindset. No matter how much we talk about not fearing failing, that concern remains, especially in larger organizations that continue to evolve what it means to them to innovate – to build centers of entrepreneurship within. They are still operating under cultures that don’t reward, or encourage failure!
When one falls, intentionally or otherwise, our reaction, especially as leaders, is to help them up and continue to encourage them. Makes sense, right?
Look, as innovators & entrepreneurs we have to expect that we’re going to fall. None of us are prescient or perfect – but, and we’ve said this repeatedly – mindset matters. So the simple change form failing to falling makes a lot of sense, removes fear and drives engagement and encouragement to take those risks.
Now – and we always coach this regardless of the size of the client we work with – it’s still about intentionally taking smart risks. So to this we’ll add – don’t FLAIL forward. Don’t just do & do & do to see what sticks, and then think it’ll just be a pivot.
You know what we call something that keeps pivoting – in place? A top. It wobbles to & fro and doesn’t really make much forward progress.
By all means, try, and try, and try – entrepreneurship for us is about intentionally taking risks until we achieve success. So now to this we’ll add – don’t fail, don’t flail, but fall forward.
You’ll be helped up, you’ll be encouraged, you’ll learn and you’ll always make forward progress.