Moonshots – great big lofty goals are awesome. We love them.
But you’re not going to get there swinging for the fences every single time.
In all the work that we’ve done, with technology with process with people and with mindsets, one constant has been the need for change.
Change is justifiably scary for most of us. Very few of us thrive on change. Even fewer successfully execute on making the changes necessary.
And that’s because we’re always swinging for the fences. If you’re not speaking for the fences, you’re not really working are you?
Let’s change that mindset a little bit. Realize that change comes and sticks in small increments and with constant commitment, not one huge swings that stand a higher chance of missing.
Start by redefining your goals. Take those BIG changes & decompose them down into smaller, incremental changes that build. Work on one at a time. Commit to it. Remember it takes 21 days to make a habit change, and 90 days to get it to stick. So be patient. Understand if you falter, be gentle with yourself, learn from the experience, then recommit to it.
Hail Marys are awesome for spectating, but they’re not repeatable.
Start small and build on each success. Pretty soon you’re standing on that moon you were shooting for. More importantly you got there without burning yourself out and with a newly developed mindset that’s elastic, resilient and able to face inevitable # disruptions.
Try it. Reach out if you want advice. We would love to hear your experiences.